Analysis of Kopdit Bunga Tanjung Member Satisfaction with Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
Satisfaction is the most dominant problem in every business unit engaged in the service sector, but the process to fulfill member satisfaction is not easy. This study aims to determine satisfaction with the services provided by Kopdit Bunga Tanjung, considering that members' ratings of satisfaction with services are different. Therefore Kopdit Bunga Tanjung is required to be able to make changes quickly. In order to collect the data the researcher distributed questionnaire. Determination of the number of samples in this study were members of the Kopdit Bunga Tanjung with a total sample of 280 respondents. The method used in this study is the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), based on the results of measuring the satisfaction level of members of the Kopdit Bunga Tanjung using the CSI method, based on the results of the measurement of the satisfaction level of members of the Kopdit Bunga Tanjung using the CSI method, the calculation results are 81.82% which fall into the very satisfied category. Based on the results of the IPA analysis, there are several attributes that need to be prioritized in the distribution of services at the Kopdit Bunga Tanjung, including: the Kopdit Bunga Tanjung, which has neat-looking employees and using the uniform of the Kopdit Bunga Tanjung, the same service between you and other members, the employees of the Kopdit Bunga Tanjung, , are able to respond to member requests/complaints quickly. Such as: slack due.
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